There is evidence of new trends emerging in the market.

The market looks poised to break lower, but there isn't enough cause for alarm to run to the exits yet. Increasing volatility is certainly a bearish symptom, and considering the massive run up since the November lows, a move lower is quite reasonable. The numbers being released Friday are utterly meaningless, but the reaction will be critical.
On a side note, it's good to be back online with a working computer. Although the imbeciles at Office Depot raped my face and charged 100+ clams for an AC power adapter, I will have the last laugh; their awesome 14 day return policy is effectively a free rental. Now that I've bought another on for 29.99, maybe I'll swallow the power chord and floss my intestinal tract before returning this P.O.S. adapter to the Office Despots.
On a side note, it's good to be back online with a working computer. Although the imbeciles at Office Depot raped my face and charged 100+ clams for an AC power adapter, I will have the last laugh; their awesome 14 day return policy is effectively a free rental. Now that I've bought another on for 29.99, maybe I'll swallow the power chord and floss my intestinal tract before returning this P.O.S. adapter to the Office Despots.
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